CSS Positioning: Padding vs. Border vs. Margin

Sunday, November 7, 2015

When looking at webpages have you ever noticed that some things have a colored border, space between the content and border, or space between a picture and paragraph? Well, using the CSS properties padding, border, and margin can help you do that.

The Box Model

Every HTML element you see on the page is treated as if it lives in its own box by the CSS box model, which the diagram below illustrates.

CSS Box Model

Inside every element you can have content such as a title or icon and it’s sized just enough to hold that content. To adjust the size you can set the dimensions by using the height and width properties. You can also control the appearance of the box by using the padding, border, and margin properties. When ever the padding, border, and margin properites are used they will increase the width and height of the box.


The space that surrounds the area between the content and border is called padding. You can choose to add padding to every side, one side, a few sides, or specify no amount at all. By specifying how much space should appear between the content and border you can make it easier for people to read the element's contents such as a paragraph.

Example of applying the padding property


Around every element's box is a border separating it from other elements on the page whether you see it or not. The border is the element's edge that surrounds the content and padding. You can control the border's width, style, and color of any side of the element but you must set a value for each or the border won't appear.

Example of applying the border porperty


The final way you can change the appearance of an element is by using the margin property. Margin is outside the edge of an element and it clears an area outside of the border to create gaps between elements.

Example of applying the margin porperty