Sunday, October 25, 2015
Have you ever heard of the CLI or version control? Well, if you’re interested in becoming a programmer it’s important to understand how to use the CLI and how version control works. The command line interface or CLI is...
Sunday, November 7, 2015
When looking at webpages have you ever noticed that some things have a colored border, space between the content and border, or space between a picture and paragraph? Well, using the CSS properties padding, border, and margin can help you do that.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Have you ever considered making a computer program and how you'll store the data you want your program to use? You can do this in the Ruby programming language by assigning names, called variables, to store the data you want your program to use.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
In Ruby, you can iterate through each element in a class like the array, hash, set, and range collection classes using the "each" method. These classes have defined the "each" method, so they can mixin the "Enumerable" module.
Sunday, November 29, 2105
In Ruby, every "thing" is an object including classes. When creating an object, it is part of a particular class that has specific attributes and methods available to it. Ruby allows you to make your own classes by creating a blueprint that mimics real-world objects you're trying to create in your code.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Loops are a handy way to run the same piece of code for certain number of times or until a specified condition is met. When looping, the block of code being executed could have a different value each time or remain the same. Some Ruby loops are while, do/while, and for that take a block of code denoted by "{ ... }" or "do ... end". JavaScript has the loops...
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Sorting algorithms put elements of a list in a certain order, with most working by comparing the data being sorted. There are many different sorting algorithms and they are often classified to help you understand the advantages and limitations of each one.